Remedies for the Mind | Joes Remedies
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Remedies for the Mind

At Joe's Remedies we like to remember the Brain-Gut connection. When purchasing any brain supplements we also advise considering gut health also. This is not to detract from overall health and wellness. We always advise using our supplements as part of a sensible, mindful routine.

The Maca powder we offer is a great natural supplement that can be used to boost energy. The plant-based omega 3 contains ultra-pure vegan EPA and DHA. The magic ground coffee we offer is blended with Lion's Mane mushroom extract to support mental clarity.


KSM-66 Ashwagandha has been clinically proven to help reduce stress, and cortisol and promote memory and cognitive function. We also offer the Dopamine Precursor Tyrosine and 5-HTP to stimulate Serotonin, please read through the description for more information on these health supplements.


Perhaps you're looking for supplements for brain fog, supplements for gut health, supplements for joint health or supplements for heart health.We highly recommend the antioxidant-based supplement Neuroprotect for anyone looking to detox, cleanse, or enhance their recovery.

Spark the Mind,

Joe's Remedies

brain boosting supplements
brain fog supplements
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